API Client
Working with results lists

Model::getList() and Model::getRelated() methods return an instance of ListResult class. When calling these methods, API returns a limited number of record, as specified by $limit argument. There may be more data available, and if you want to retrieve it, you need to send additional requests, adjusting $offset argument accordingly.

To get total number of results matching your request, call ListResult::totalResults() :

$model = $client->model('Contact');
$result = $model->getList([], 0, 5);
echo $result->totalResults(), "\n";
echo count($result->getRecords()), "\n";
1 200
2 5

Although only 5 results were returned as we requested, we see that there is additional data available. If you want to iterate over all results, and not a limited subset, you will need to send multiple requests. For example if there are 500 total results, and you fetch the results in chunks of 100, you will need 5 requests:

Request # $offset $limit
1 0 100
2 100 100
3 200 100
4 300 100
5 400 100

ListResult provides a generator() method that returns a PHP generator for use in foreach loop. When iterating, it will send additional requests as needed to iterate over all records:

$model = $client->model('Contact');
$result = $model->getList([], 0, 50);
echo "Call to getList() returned ", count($result->getRecords()), " results\n";
echo "In total, there are ", $result->totalResults(), " matching results\n";
$iteratedCount = 0;
foreach ($result->generator() as $record) {
echo "We iterated over ", $iteratedCount, " results\n";
1 Call to getList() returned 50 results
2 In total, there are 203 matching results
3 We iterated over 203 results