API Client
Error handling

General information

If an error occurs during a API request, Error will be thrown. You can obtain additional information using getCode(), getType() and getHint() methods.

model = $client->model('Acount'); // note - typo in model name
try {
$account_id = $model->create(['name' => 'New Account']);
echo $account_id, "\n";
} catch (APIClient\Error $e) {
"Exception with code %d. %s. Type: %s. Hint: %s\n",
$e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getType(), $e->getHint()
1 Exception with code 404. Model Acount not found. Type: . Hint:

Network errors

If a network error occurs, an exception with code 0 will be thrown:

model = $client->model('Account');
try {
$account_id = $model->create(['name' => 'New Account']);
echo $account_id, "\n";
} catch (APIClient\Error $e) {
"Exception with code %d. %s. Type: %s. Hint: %s\n",
$e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getType(), $e->getHint()
1 Exception with code 0. cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: demo.1crmcloud.com (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html). Type: . Hint:

Interpreting error codes

$model = $client->model('Account');
try {
$account = $model->get('this-does-not-exist');
} catch (APIClient\Error $e) {
$code = $e->getCode();
if (!$code) $reason = "This is a network error";
elseif ($code == 400) $reason = "I sent a bad request";
elseif ($code == 401) $reason = "I am not authorized";
elseif ($code == 403) $reason = "The action I want to perform is forbidden";
elseif ($code == 404) $reason = "What I am looking for does not exist";
elseif ($code == 405) $reason = "The request method I used is not allowed";
elseif ($code >= 400 && $code < 500) $reason = "I sent a bad request, not sure why :)"; // something wrong with our request
elseif ($code >= 500 && $code < 600) $reason = "Server's bad"; // something wrong on the server side
else $reason = "This should not happen"; // 1CRM API uses 4xx and 5xx error codes
"Exception with code %d. %s. %s. Type: %s. Hint: %s\n",
$e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), $reason, $e->getType(), $e->getHint()
1 Exception with code 404. Not found. What I am looking for does not exist. Type: . Hint: