API Client
Create a Sales Order (with Product Line, Comment, Tax and Taxed Shipping)

This is a example of creating a Sales Order record with Product Line, Comment, Tax and Taxed Shipping using 1CRM API.

Use Model::create() method

// prepare data for new record
$contact_id = '8ccb3aaa-3bab-5bbc-4ca4-5c9b2502940f';
$account_id = 'da10a29c-7085-bb94-62ca-5c9b25163842';
$so_data = [
'name' => '1CRM On Premise Annual Subscription for 1 User (Enterprise Edition)',
'so_stage' => 'Ordered',
'terms' => 'COD',
'description' => 'Annual Subscription',
'due_date' => '2020-01-01',
'billing_contact_id' => $contact_id,
'billing_account_id' => $account_id,
'amount' => '291.99',
// obtain model
$model = $client->model('SalesOrder');
// create record
$so_id = $model->create($so_data);
//Add Sales Order Line Group
$so_group_data = [
'parent_id' => $so_id,
'name' => 'Subscription',
'position' => 1,
'status' => 'Draft',
'cost' => '138.00',
'subtotal' => '248.40',
'total' => '291.99',
'group_type' => 'products'
$model = $client->model('SalesOrderLineGroup');
$so_group_id = $model->create($so_group_data);
//Add Sales Order Line (Product)
$product_id = '4c5bb842-9e2e-8cd0-f483-55b9b036661c';
$tax_code_id = 'standard-tax_-code-0000-000000000001';
$so_line_data = [
'sales_orders_id' => $so_id,
'line_group_id' => $so_group_id,
'name' => '1CRM On Premise Annual Subscription for 1 User (Enterprise Edition)',
'position' => 1,
'quantity' => 1,
'related_type' => 'ProductCatalog',
'related_id' => $product_id,
'mfr_part_no' => '1CRM-SW-Ent',
'tax_class_id' => $tax_code_id,
'cost_price' => '138.00',
'list_price' => '276.00',
'unit_price' => '248.40',
'net_price' => '198.72'
$model = $client->model('SalesOrderLine');
$so_line_id = $model->create($so_line_data);
//Add Sales Order Line Comment
$so_comment_data = [
'sales_orders_id' => $so_id,
'line_group_id' => $so_group_id,
'position' => 2,
'body' => 'Upgrade instance'
$model = $client->model('SalesOrderComment');
$so_comment_id = $model->create($so_comment_data);
//Add Taxed Shipping
$tax_class_id = 'standard-tax_-code-0000-000000000001';
$so_shipping_data = [
'sales_orders_id' => $so_id,
'line_group_id' => $so_group_id,
'name' => '',
'position' => 0,
'related_type' => 'ShippingProviders',
'type' => 'TaxedShipping',
'amount' => '10',
'tax_class_id' => $tax_class_id
$model = $client->model('SalesOrderAdjustment');
$so_shipping_id = $model->create($so_shipping_data);
//Add Group Tax
$tax_rate_id = 'e8f046d7-ce41-7a4e-4615-5c9b256c4e1e';
$so_tax_data = [
'sales_orders_id' => $so_id,
'line_group_id' => $so_group_id,
'name' => 'HST',
'position' => 1,
'related_type' => 'TaxRates',
'related_id' => $tax_rate_id,
'rate' => 13,
'type' => 'StandardTax',
'amount' => '33.59'
$model = $client->model('SalesOrderAdjustment');
$so_tax_id = $model->create($so_tax_data);
echo $so_id, "\n";


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To create a record, you first prepare an array with record data. Array keys are field names, and the values are corresponding data values. Then, obtain an instance of Model class, and use create() method to insert the record into the database and get new record ID.